Teaching documents

Contrary to many policies and opinions, I think sharing syllabi is should be the norm in academia. A good selection of readings is a key stepping stone for a good class, but that is all it is. The assignments, how to lead a discussion, how to connect readings, and so on, depends so much on both one's teaching style and the class composition. So, sharing syllabi is not having one's work taken, because the core of what we do as instructors does not appear in the syllabus per se. Here the syllabi I designed, with the teaching evals for each class:
  • The One Source of All Things. This is the first course I designed entirely by myself. I would change so many things now! It is an overview of some of the debates concerning human nature in Chinese intellectual history. Syllabus here; teaching evals here.
  • A Culinary History of China. 2023 Syllabus here; evals here.
  • Confucius and his interpreters. Syllabus here; evals here.